Yet Another Food Index (YAFI)

This website provides a list of food recipes - Questions? [ingredient] [at] hayko [dot] at
Content, design and idea © by Hayko Riemenschneider, 2011-2024.

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«showing 218 of 218 total ingredients for 86 recipes (1) »

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cake ala asha @
Sweet Corn Cake @
kaspressknödel @
cripsy carnitas @
Pasta alla Norma @
teriyaki eggplant @
alioli @
philly cheese steak @
baby omelette @
fajitas fajitas @
Payerne Tarte @
salat grenade @
Rösti riche @
chicken tikka masala @
rhubarb cake easy ;) @
schnitzel ala hayko @
BBQ chicken wings @
spargel hollandaise @
Lasagne! Lasagne! @
krautfleckerl @
Linseneintopf @
lamb racks with herb crust @
stuffed peppers @
lamb racks with potato puree @
fleischvogel @
lamb racks with ratatouille @
Russian Eggs @
Torta di Pere @
Beef with broccoli @
Pork slices with capers @
Spareribs @
Gyoza / Jiaozi @
Rotkraut @
Bulgogi [todo] @
Ayvar Currywurst @
Erdäpfelsalat @
Butterbrote @
Rhabarberkuchen @
Joghurt Sahne Torte @
Topfennockerl @
Fish in Dill-Curry-Honey sauce @
Kichererpsenmus @
Hüftsteak with cocoa beans @
Grilled vegetables sandwich snack @
Pumpkin Lasagne @
Martini Gansl @
French Potatoes @
Speckschnecken @
Spätzle @
Cocos curry @
Erdäpfelsalat @
Dragon eggs @
Crispy beef @
Flammkuchen Mediterranean @
Flammkuchen Classic @
Pho Bo @
Baba Ganoush @
Schwiegermutterzunge @
Gulasch @
Linsen Allerei @
Knoedel mit Ei @
Oranges on duck [todo] @
Faschierter Braten @
Lauch-Erdäpfel-Auflauf @
Faschierte Laiberl / Koefte @
Fancy cabbage @
Mega mit Burger @
Fisch in Schafskäse @
Twice cooked pork (hui guo rou) @
Geschnetzeltes mit Sauerrahm @
Huhn in Tomatenknoblauchsauce @
Steirischer Salat @
Hüftsteak mit Semmelknödel und Pilzsauce [todo] @
baked beans @
Okonomiyaki @
Putenwürfel in Honig-Sojasauce und Gemüse @
Grilled chicken with peanut butter @
eggplant with garlic @
Fried rice with egg @
Liptauer Aufstrich @
Erdäpfelkas @
Beef tartar asian-style @
Fried Bok-Choy @
Bacon rolls @
Bakudan @
Beef with onions / niurou yangcong @